Cash-in. Pay bills. Load up. Do it all here!
Embrace the ease and convenience of TouchPay and simplify your financial transactions today!

The Philippines’ largest on-ground Automated Payment Machine (APM) network! With an impressive presence of over 3,000 APMs across the nation and expanding rapidly, it’s never been easier to make payments on the go!
At the heart of our mission is simplifying payments and transactions for you! We’re dedicated to providing top-notch services across these core business segments: Top-up, Remittance, Bills Payment, Real-time Payment, e-Wallet, and Payment Solutions. Experience the ease and convenience of managing your finances like never before!
Number of APMs nationwide
Touchpay has the country’s widest network of payment terminals with over 3000 APMs nationwide and we are on target to have 10,000 APMs by 2026.
Year 2022
Year 2023
Year 2026
TouchPay’s Impact on Company Success
In this inspiring testimonial, delve into the stories of companies that have benefited from TouchPay’s innovative payment solutions and how they have transformed how their companies manage transactions.